T-Shirt, Short Sleeve, Black, Los Angeles Lakers World Champions 2009 (NO size or brand tags!)
Kobe Bryant, Lamar Odom, Derek Fisher, Pau Gasol, Trevor Ariza on back of shirt

Show your love for the Los Angeles Lakers with this black short sleeve T-shirt. Celebrate the team's victory in the 2009 World Championships with this stylish shirt, which features the team's logo prominently displayed on the front. Whether you're a lifelong fan or a newcomer to the game of basketball, this shirt is the perfect way to show your support for one of the most successful teams in the NBA. Made with high-quality materials, this unisex shirt is comfortable and durable, making it perfect for wearing while watching games or hitting the court yourself. Although the size tag is missing, this shirt is sure to fit anyone who wants to show off their love for the Lakers. Don't miss out on the chance to own this must-have piece of fan apparel!

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Note: Descriptions and titles of items listed by Pearl Onion are based on our own research. We are not professional appraisers and the items listed have not been professionally appraised unless otherwise indicated. We do our best to test for durability for wearable/usable items (jewelry, clothing, etc) and cannot give refunds if an item breaks, rips, or tears during the course of your regular use.