This is a stunningly attractive, iridescent Chalcopyrite on Calcite from a limited find in Hubei, China multi-coloured iridescent, Chalcopyrite crystals cover whitish Calcite scalenohedrons in a very attractive grouping. 
This is a stunningly attractive, iridescent chalcopyrite on calcite from a limited find in Hubei.
The colour of the peacock iridescence are like a kaleidoscope and range from scintillating orange to yellow to green and then red and blue! Individual Chalcopyrites and they are definitely in the realm of "modern Chinese classics."

Chalcopyrite on Calcite 

Dimension: 10 x 9 x 5 cm  
Weight: 534 grams 

Locality: Baisha Copper Mine, Huangshi, Hubei, China

Chalcopyrite was named in 1725, from the Greek words ‘chalkos’ and ‘pyrites’.
It is primarily used as an ore of Copper and is common in hydrothermal veins and sulfide deposits around the world. It is the most important ore of Copper due to its prevalence and has been for hundreds or thousands of years.
Upon weathering, Chalcopyrite loses its metallic luster and brass colour – it becomes a dull grey colour. When treated with acids, Chalcopyrite can develop iridescence.
It is sometimes confused with Pyrite or Gold. To confuse matters, some Chalcopyrite ores may contain Silver or Gold.
In some cases, acid treated Chalcopyrite is missold as ‘peacock ore’. However, peacock ore is a name used for Bornite
Chalcopyrite also contains gold, nickel, and cobalt in solid solution. It is a copper iron sulfide mineral and the most important ore of copper, Chalcopyrite is also known as Peacock Ore, Copper Pyrite, Yellow Copper Ore, Yellow Copper, Copper Pyrites, Copper Sulphides, Gelferz, Katzengold, Kopparglasertz, Kupfereisenerz, Kupfereisenerzkies, Kupferkis, Towanite, Yellow Pyrite.
Healing Properties
Chalcopyrite is said to provide transformative energies to help the user adjust to changes in their life. It is closely associated with new opportunities, such as a career change, giving the user the ability to transition more successfully. Using the stone on the Third Eye, Crown and Throat chakras is believed to enable visions, allow for interpretation, and give voice to what has been seen, which in turn confirms the reality of the vision.
The information contained in this section is metaphysical in nature. Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment.
Even though Chalcopyrite does not contain the most copper in its structure relative to other minerals, it is the most important copper ore since it can be found in many localities. Chalcopyrite ore occurs in a variety of ore types, from huge masses as at Timmins, Ontario, to irregular veins and disseminations associated with granitic to dioritic intrusives as in the porphyry copper deposits of Broken Hill, the American cordillera and the Andes. The largest deposit of nearly pure chalcopyrite ever discovered in Canada was at the southern end of the Temagami Greenstone Belt where Copperfields Mine extracted the high-grade copper. Chalcopyrite is present in the supergiant Olympic Dam Cu-Au-U deposit in South Australia. Chalcopyrite may also be found in coal seams associated with pyrite nodules, and as disseminations in carbonate sedimentary rocks.