Product description

Holy water Bowl  Hand carved Phra Rahu Asura devawith Magic Yantra on it .


Holy water BowlCoconut Shell Carve Talisman Phra Rahu Asura deva


coconut shell hand carve got directly from temple


Rahu Carving - The Sacred One-Eyed Coconut God of Eclipses

Super powerful : Phra Rahu Asura Deva .

Delve into the spiritual depths with this unique talisman, meticulously carved from a rare and sacred one-eyed coconut, representing Rahu, the revered God of Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Thai mythology. The one-eyed coconut, seen as a powerful symbol in many cultures, holds profound significance:


Super stunning rare version .

very nice to put on your altar .


( magic handwritten yantra tattoo )

Round shape hand writting around Coconut

Size : hight 3 " inches width 5 " inches .

Weight  147 Grams

 This Powerful Rahu amulet is to negate negative effects of Rahu in ones planatary position. Also to bring success in life and monetary gains. In Hinduism Rahu is known as a malefic planet that can cause problems in ones life if not favourable placed in ones astrological chart. However he is also able to best own financial blessings, power over others and success in legal proceedings. In Thailand he is revered as a deity all on his own. 

The amulet is a true amulet for Rahu fans as it is from the temple that is dedicated to Rahu in Nakhon Pathon Thailand. 

It was created by the resident monk is a master on Rahu mantras and ceremonies, hence this amulet/talisman has great power. Behind the amulet you will find a powerful Rahu yantra.

Functions & How To Use

1.Use to make Holy Water.

-Fill water into the bowl and then pray Katha "Expelling Misfortune Mantra (Ongkarn Torraneesarn)" and beg the power of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Father&Mother, and Magic Teachers bless water to be Holy Water for bathing & drinking to wash out negative power, black magic, evil and misfortune. When the bad things were washed out of body, good things will come instead.

Can also use Holy Water to sprinkle car or vehicles for safe drive, sprinkle home or accommodation for being peaceful & happy, sprinkle products for good sale or whatever wishes you want.


2.Use to make merit.

-If you want to make merit but, you are not convenient to go temple. Then, you can fill money into the bowl like as you already make merit by putting food offerings in 8 daily Buddhist monk's alms bowls. When you have a chance go to the temple, you can take money inside the bowl to donate for monk's use. This is a way to make merit that will exorcise and expand your life to be longer.


3.Use to keep amulets and increase power.

-This Buddha's alms bowl is very suitable to keep Buddha amulet because the bowl will increase up the power of amulets inside the bowl.

You can make prayer water in a multitude of ways.

Making Water by Prayer and Incantation - By lighting incense, candles anmd giving offerings, and then performing preliminary prayers, and then Incantations (Kata Chanting), whilst focusing on the Prayer Water. The opbject of the chanting is not only to magically activate the prayer/holy water, but also to generate an increased focus (Samadhi) in the mind of the practitioner, which in turn increases the psychic effect of the empowerment process in an evcer increasing scale as the practitioner becomes ever more fluent with repeated practice.

You can also use sacred items such as magical substances, or amulets to empower the water within the Khan Nam Montr.

In the case of Khan Nam Montr which are designed and empowered with a particular Deity, such as Brahma, Vishnu, or Pra Upakut Buddha, then you can use the commonly used incantations and Bucha methods for that Deity , to make a specialized form of Prayer water which carries the qualities and blessings of that particular Deity. You can however with such items also make other forms of prayer water, with the exception of any kinds which may disagree with the innate nature of the Deity present within the Khan Nam Montr.

Mantra ( Khata ) Chanting

Puttang Saranang Kajchaami
Tammang Saranang Kajchaami
Sangkang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Puttang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambpi Tammang Saranang Kajchaami
Tudtiyambi Sangkang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambi Puttang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambi Tammang Saranang Kajchaami
Dtadtiyambi Sangkang Saranang Kajchaami

Pray your wish .








from a highly preferred top master of Wicha Pra Rahu, Luang Por Noi , of Wat Srisa Tong, in Nakorn Pathom.


A rare and classic Sacred amulet, empowered with the World Famous Wicha of Wat Srisa Tong, empowered with the Magic of the preceding Lineage Masters of Wat Srisa Tong; Luang Por Dto, Luang Por Dtrai, Luang Por Dtan, Luang Por Lee, Luang Por Tong, Luang Por Choi, and Luang Por Noi



The amulet is for Bucha to Pra Rahu Asura Deva of the Solar and Lunar Eclipse, carved by an artisan of Wat Sri Sa Tong, and empowered in the eclipses of sun and moon, and finally in the Bucha Kroo Luang Por Noi Ceremony at Wat Srisa Tong, presiding over the Blessing Ceremony.


The Pra Rahu amulets of Luang Por Noi, of Wat Srisa Tong, are amongst the top 3 Rahu Amulets of the History of Thai Amulets, along with those of the Great Lanna Master Kroo Ba Nanta, of Wat Thung Man Dtai.


The Wicha Pra Rahu Kala Ta Diaw of Wat Srisa Tong is perhaps the most famous of all temples in Thailand, with its lineage of great Guru Master Sorceror-Monks who have practiced this Wicha in lineage transmission since ancient times.


If you feel that your Fate and Horoscope is not Auspicious, then it could be that Pra Rahu is interfering.

You can solve this problem by making Bucha offerings to Pra Rahu every Wednesday;





Wat srisathong phra rahu.

Mess chant at Wat srisathong following lp noi teaching.
Wat srisathong is expert in doing rahu and is a rahu temple in Thailand. People believe coconut have the power of protection and wealth catching. And making rahu with coconut will give such wealth and protection.
Rahu is a deva that will eat away all your bad luck and gives u only good luck. He is also a protective god. This amulet is good for those who are unlucky this year. Purpose of this amulet will give u wealth, protection, good luck. For phra rahu fans. Grap is fast. Only bring in a few piece.




In Hindu tradition, Rahu is a cut-off head of an asura, that swallows the sun or the moon causing eclipses. He is depicted in art as a serpent with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Rahu is one of the navagrahas (nine planets) in Vedic astrology. The Rahu kala (time of day under the influence of Rahu) is considered inauspicious.

According to legend, during the Samudra manthan, the asura Rahu drank some of the divine nectar. Sun and moon realized it and they alerted Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu). Before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohini cut off his head. The head, however, remained immortal. It is believed that this immortal head occasionally swallows the sun or the moon, causing eclipses. Then, the sun or moon passes through the opening at the neck, ending the eclipse.
Astronomically (as per Hindu Astrology), Rahu and Ketu denote the two points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move around the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses occur when Sun and Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the myth of the swallowing of the Sun.
Rahu is a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers, operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts, etc. It is the significator of an irreligious person, an outcast, harsh speech, logical fallacy, falsehoods, uncleanliness, abdominal ulcers, bones, and transmigration. Rahu is instrumental in strengthening one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend. In Buddhism Rahu is one of the krodhadevatas (terror-inspiring gods).











Performance Abillity of Amulet: Life protection,Good trade,Good metta ,Wealth, Prevent Dark Magic and Evil Spirits,
Danger Obstacle cease,Charms / Attraction in LOVE& SEX ,Give merciful,without poor, Triumphantly,
Loving Kindness, Harm proof, Avoid from danger,Change Bad Luck to Good Luck, Win Gambling , Wishes be Fulfilled,
Get Healthy Live Better And Be Happy. 


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.