Concrete: Fragile Creature by Paul Chadwick 1-4 (1991/Dark Horse)
Complete mini-series
#1: Creator Paul Chadwick draws on his own real-life Hollywood experiences for this story in which Concrete joins the effects crew of The Rulers of the Omniverse. Alliances are forged and broken, egos are bruised, millions of dollars are spent, and somehow a movie is made. But for Concrete the real concern is whether someone is trying to sabotage his performance - and if they are, will his failure result in somebody's death?
Cover price $2.50

#2: Filming on The Rulers of the Omniverse gets underway with Concrete lifting gigantic boulders, playing the part of an elephant-centaur, and becoming involved in wild, no holds barred swordplay on the set!
Cover price $2.50.

#3: Despite money problems, ego clashes, and on-the-set sword fights between the director and star, filming on The Rulers of the Omniverse continues. Concrete, who's still trying to fathom the politics and pretensions of Hollywood, assumes this is business as usual - and the scary part is that he's right! However, he can't shake the suspicion that someone may be trying to sabotage his efforts as a one-man special effects crew. 
Cover price $2.50.

#4: The filming of The Rulers of the Omniverse has been a struggle, with new obstacles thrown in Concrete's way each day, but now that the final day of shooting is in sight, Paul Chadwick's man of stone can breathe a sigh of relief...or can he? Someone may be trying to sabotage his efforts as a one-man special effects team, and a slip at the wrong moment could result in somebody's death.
Cover price $2.50.