100% pure natural wild growing environment, the whole drying processing is natural, pure hand-picked leaf, quality guaranteed and have best effect

Name:  Dried Epimedium Leaf Natural Men&Women Sexual Health Herb Tea Horny Goat Weed

Origin : China

 Grade : Good

 Weight :  250 grams ( 9 OZ )

 Stockpiling :Sealed packaging OR Refrigerator freezer room. Dry and no direct sunshine.

 Taste:Complex aroma and taste of floral sweetness with a hint of pleasant nutty note.

Production date:This year

Use By: One Year

Horny Goat Weed has 2,000 years to used as a male function enhancer in China.Many cultures report that 

horny goat weed supports libido, erectile function, and helps to relieve menopausal discomfort. One ingredient, maca, is reported to support 

erectile problems, for men and women with low libido, and for women undergoing menopause. 

Horny Goat Weed (epimedium) is comprised of several species of epimedium, a leafy 

plant which grows in the wild,most abundantly at higher altitudes,the acive ingedient of Icariin is a flavonoid glycoside compound . icariin 

are reputed to produce aphrodisiac effects, and are commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine to enhance erectile function, as well as for 

several other indications.

Usage and dosage: 5g Longspur Epimedium Leave, brewing with 200ml boiled water,then drink the tea, can be brewed 3-4 times.50g Longspur Epimedium 

Leave, brewing with 500ml white spirit, can be drunk after 15-days brewing.