This is Karina w/Kaya: the MODELGirls (we Like models)! Our 700-member Game Club gets discounts from some Sponsor Game stores on a few HOT items to List here 100% for eBay Game-Charity! WELCOME friends to your Club! We have these New GW Plastic Models Sprues to Ship you FAST: [-LAST few Custom Model Sets -so GRAB it FAST!!]
Space Wolves-Wolf Guard-Grey Hunters/Blood Claws:
5+ Space Wolves model frames+
1 Wolf Lord/Wolf Pack Leader
extra model parts: Legs, Torso(s) + Backpack!
with a vast array of Space Wolves model parts and icons!
Make your own Custom WOLF-LORD Model with kit! -or your Own: Custom Wolfpack-Leader, Iron Priest, Rune-Priest Models! [*w/6 Model Bases!] -New GW-plastic Space Wolves frames Plus Extra Legs, Torso and Backpack pieces has everything for making an Elite Group of Custom Space Wolves models -with extra bit choices and many options! -Expedited for Super-FAST service!! [Custom box/images for modeling reference only of course -this is the no box New array of GW Model-Frames/parts shown.]


  The Space Wolves of Fenris are certainly considered the most ferocious of all Space Marine chapters. They are the VIth Legion of the First Founding of the Emperor’s vaunted Adeptus Astartes. Their host is a vast galactic force of the most aggressive and primal human warriors - genetically enhanced with the gene-seed of their legendary Primarch: Leman Russ.  

  Long ago during the Dark Age of Technology - mankind traveled to distant stars and settled harsh alien worlds like the Ice-World or Fenris. Profound Terran Scientists then used lost-technology to give human colonists subtle genetic enhancements to help them survive and flourish on hostile planets inimitable to mere 'human' lives. Thus, the colonist of Fenris long past had gene-splicing taken from Terran-Timber Wolves and other creatures well adapted to cold and desolate conditions. From this already-enhanced 'human-stock' the Warrior of the Space Wolves are chose for the further process of creating a Space Marine with the Gene-Seed of the greatest warrior that eve lived: the Wolf-King himself - Leman Russ!

  After the Great Crusade to re-unify mankind across the stars, and after the terrible devastation of the Horus Heresy - much of the various Loyal Legions have been devastated--their numbers dwindled to me a fraction of the former state. The Sky-Warrior of Russ suffered heavy losses, particularly when they defeated the traitor legion of Magnus the Red on Prospero. The 6th legion survived, and the heroes and legends of the Wolves of Fenris grew strong again to be counted among the finest warriors in the entire Imperium of Mankind.

  Here is a fantastic, meticulously-collected-and-organized set of New GW components for your own Custom Brand-NEWSpace Wolves WOLF LORD and 5 more custom Space Wolves of any type " -Exactly everythging needed to create an amazing set of new models to represent the most powerful warriors of humankind. The finest armor, the finest weapons, the finest training and unparalleled ferocity: all that represented by these precious parts necessary to Build a Model of the most elite, veteran Rout of Fenryka from the finest chapter of all! You will be hard-pressed to find a better array of Model parts to make a better Elite Squad of Warrior of Fang, Claw, Fur, Armour and Weaponry than this - complete with everything to make your most-awesome Leader, Wolf Lord, Iron Wolf, Wolf Priest or Lone Wolves as well!

   Elite warriors of the legendary Space Wolves are comprised of the most experienced, skilled and battle-savvy warriors from the icy Death-world of Fenris. Each member is an expert in a broad range of strategies, tactics and combat. Space Wolves range from highly-gifted recent recruits, to seasoned veterans of hundreds of years of warfare. troops. The relentless VIth Legion will fight in the  forefront of the heaviest battles against the most dangerous opponents of the Imperium.

   This amazing and diverse set of components can be used to create battle-hardened experts for various theaters of war to enhance and complement any Space Wolves army. These are among the Fastest-moving and Hardest-hitting Astartes Units in the Emperor's vast legions. Viscious and near-feral Elite Warriors in Power-Armour mounted on incredibly fast and deadly Giant, Mutated, War-Wolf mounts. Devastating in the Extreme! Foremost, having a new squad of Warriors of Fenris models to put together is FUN! Here is your chance to experiment with some different ideas for modeling and customizing.

  The photos show an elaborate and concise assortment of power armour/artificier armour parts - perfect for VIth legion elite troops. Richly detailed with Fenris-themes engraved-and-emblazoned across armored torso plates, purity seals, and Wolf iconography!

  The armaments and weaponry are amongst the most devastating and destructive available to any Space Marines. This squad is heavy with fire power! Fully twice as many weapons of the most potent power levels as any normal squad would ever need, carry, or be able to use! 

   Just to start with: a your Man-Wolf warriors gets a complement of devastating weapons!! All the essential gear than you need is included in this mini-kit!. There is the complete backpacks and shoulder armour, power armour pieces and even helmet! This fantastic kit is complete with Space Wolves backpacks, Rune Armour parts, Wolf Talismans for good luck and decorative purposes - and a huge number of heads and helmets to choose from.

   This is a fantastic ready-to-build Model set is everything your new Elite Space Wolves could ever need. The models of this kit can be formed into a custom, mod-version of virtually any Wolf-Character you desire as you so wish to build and paint him. In fact, you can select from one of several different Characters with all these amazing model parts - plus your own personal bitz - and your own creativity!

   Nowhere can you get this ideal array of multi-part complete Customizable model parts such a great price with such fast shipping and excellent service. Enjoy my friends!!

NO ONE has a better price anywhere! Plus: we are Not a 'business' - just a group of Game Club members like you doing this to help each other out with needed savings. AND: any proceeds go DIRECT to EBay Charities!!  :)  -You can SEE from our Feedback - we do GREAT Service and the BEST deal anywhere - but we only get a few allotted for You our members so GRAB yours Fast!

SHIPPING-&-HANDLING FEES: This is for SMART buyers, so: WE SHIP SMART, FAST and a Cheap as possible - unless you request/Buy UPGRADED Shipping, Service and Packaging options!! S-&-H? cost is ACCURATE - AND OUR TOTAL PRICE IS STILL MUCH LESS THAN ANY OTHER SELLER! Cost of packaging material (Tape: $2.95; Mailers: $2.49+Travel to Ship; Gas, Car/Van use, computer use and Internet provider, DATA, Labels and PRINTER INK + VERY HIGH EBAY Listing FEES and 'Final Selling Fees' (up to 20% on some Auctions!!); Plus: 3%+ PayPal FEES, POSTAGE, FED EX, USPS & SHIPPING boxes, trash-pick-up - SOOO much stuff!! We hope you all get it! If you order multiples as we Upgrade you to better service to the Front of the shipping Queue (and any extra goes DIRECT to eBay charities). - PLEASE: donate an extra 97-cents+ for FASTER SHIPPING SERVICE (below).  You are SAVING SOO MUCH - why not let eBay Charities have 97-cents to get it FASTER! ;) 

NO RE-SELLERS: as a non-profit club of volunteers, a LOT of for-profit-only 'businesses' work against us here - even though eBay is supposed to be People like us - and we work for eBay Charities!?!  :0  DON'T try to get our limited products to re-sell to others. Don't buy is you 'sell' these items yourself.  The ONLY rude-feedback we ever have gotten is from -Re-Sellers trying to sabotage us. PLEASE DON'T ASK for even cheaper shipping than we already do -when we are the LOWEST Total price alreadyPLEASE: ONLY get our Auctions if you Want to be in the Club and do something for Charity. Really -we never get enough product for the good members who need it -so Buy elsewhere if you don't support our eBay Gaming-Charity Works.  :) 

SMART PACKAGING: Cheapest price means low cost - not 'fancy'.  Rarely someone says: "the Post Office messed-up the external 'packaging' a little"...  Uhhh... yeah - that's why it's called 'Packaging'. You 'open' it -and you Throw It Out!  Also: many or our New Model kits come from Brand-New BIG-BOXED Sets -and components are Opened and packaged up in bubble-pack/other GW boxes for protection to send out separately. They (obviously) are Brand-New but have no other 'packaging' but the packages we put them in to ship. Also, even when we do have items in original boxes -they are Made-In-China by GW. They travel 20,000 miles on ships and trucks. So they may have superficial exterior crinkles on a box perhaps. If anyone Needs a minty-fresh 'perfect' Box -Please, please buy it Direct from Games Workshop -Pay $40 for their Top-grade Shipping. Or, TELL us in advance and Buy Expedited Upgraded Shipping here and we will make it as super-fresh and pretty as Possible!  ;D

Feedback and Positive experience: We have a GUARANTEED Return Policy if though you bought something else or you change your mind. So: No One can legitimately have any real 'problem'. NO RISK-return-like-it-never-happened. So anyone leaving false bad feedback obviously want to 'create' a non-existent problem. -So: if there is ever Anything you need us to Help with - We are HAPPY to hear from you and do whatever we can. Just WRITE US! ;D