Title: Hidetaka Tenjin's Artistry of Macross: Macross Frontier Films, Macross Delta & Archives
Author: Tenjin, Hidetaka
Publisher: Udon Entertainment
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 144
Dimensions: 8.50h x 11.50w x 0.60d
Product Weight: 2.1 lbs.
Language: English
ISBN: 9781772942507

Since its small screen debut in 1982, Macross has remained one of most influential mecha anime of all time. Longtime franchise illustrator Hidetaka Tenjin captures the high-flying action of the series' iconic "variable fighters" like no other artist through his hyper-realistic illustrations for model kits, magazines, promotional materials, and more. This volume gathers Tenjin's illustrations from the eras of the Macross Frontier Films and Macross Delta, plus a special Archives section covering art from video games, manga, novels, and more. (c)2009, 2011 BIGWEST/MACROSS F PROJECT-MBS (c)2015, 2017, 2021 BIGWEST


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