In the serene expanse of a world where the art of yesteryears beckons with an unspoken promise of beauty and tranquility, lies a masterpiece waiting to transform your living space into a realm of unparalleled elegance. Today, I invite you to embark on a journey through time, to a moment where the Medieval meets the magical, and where the artistry of William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones whispers to us across the ages. I present to you the Medieval Tranquil Raven Lady of the Lake Tapestry, a piece so imbued with the essence of the Flora tapestry, it promises not just to adorn a wall, but to enrich the very air you breathe with its historical depth and artistic soul.

 Imagine, if you will, a tapestry that captures the ethereal beauty of the Lady of the Lake, her tranquil gaze meeting yours across the flow of time, surrounded by an intricate weave of raven feathers and the lush, verdant greenery that could only have been inspired by the goddess Flora herself. This tapestry is not merely a piece of fabric; it is a portal to a past where myth and legend breathed life into every thread and weave, crafted in the spirit of the legendary collaboration between William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones in 1885.


The Flora tapestry, with its depiction of Flora, the goddess of abundance, has long been celebrated for its intricate detail, its vibrant colors, and its profound ability to transport the viewer to a realm of mythical elegance. Drawing on this rich heritage, the Medieval Tranquil Raven Lady of the Lake Tapestry offers both a tribute and a continuation of this tradition, offering you a choice between the classic fabric print and the opulent woven option. Each choice presents a unique opportunity to experience the tapestry's beauty, whether you seek the crisp clarity of a print or the rich texture of a weave.


Crafted with the modern connoisseur in mind, this tapestry is designed to blend seamlessly into the quintessentially "Hipstorical" house, bringing with it a touch of medieval mystique and timeless elegance. The design, inspired by the work of Morris and Burne-Jones, pays homage to the pre-Raphaelite vision of beauty and nature intertwined, with each raven feather and leaf rendered with meticulous attention to detail, inviting the viewer to step closer, to lose themselves in the story woven into its fabric.


But why, you might ask, should one consider adorning their space with this tapestry? In an age where the digital reigns supreme, and the tangible seems ever more fleeting, the Medieval Tranquil Raven Lady of the Lake Tapestry stands as a bastion of the tangible, the real, and the historically profound. It is an investment not just in decor, but in an art form that carries the weight of history, the beauty of myth, and the craftsmanship of ages past into your home.


So, I extend to you an invitation to embrace the tranquil beauty, the historical depth, and the artistic integrity of the Medieval Tranquil Raven Lady of the Lake Tapestry. Allow it to transform your space, to become a window to a world where the goddess Flora reigns supreme, where the tranquil gaze of the Lady of the Lake meets yours, and where the legacy of William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones is celebrated in every thread and weave.

 Do not let this opportunity pass you by. Embrace the chance to own a piece of history, to enrich your home with the beauty and tranquility of the Medieval Tranquil Raven Lady of the Lake Tapestry. Act now, and let the art of the past illuminate your future.

 Your journey into the heart of medieval elegance and pre-Raphaelite beauty begins here. Welcome it into your home, and let the story unfold.


David Harrison 

Harrison & Co. 

Romantic English

