This is a stunning Look magazine issue featuring Swing Dancing with Benny Goodman, dancers Rita Rio and Bill Furrow. Cover price of 10 cents!

Here’s what’s inside:   
– B&W Camel ad with endorsements from Marshall Wayne, Joe DiMaggio, Jane Fauntz Manske, Ralph Guldahl, Lenore Kight Wingard, Erl Roman.
– California Aquaplane Race, Bob Lanphier, Leo Fleck, Bob Brown – great wreck photos.
– Women of Ecaussines Belguim look for husbands at an all day matrimonial party.
– Surrealism in Hollywood, Yvonne Duval, Joyce Matthews, Dolores Casey, Gwen Kenyon, Mary Punkins Parker, Sheila D’Arcy.
– Senator Capper and America’s Crazy Divorce Laws, famous divorcees – James McDonald III, Alecea Brezee McDonald, Doris Marie Cunningham, Forrester A Scott, Harry Clarke Boden
– Famous marital tangles, Sylvia Sirotta Berney, Nan Pierson Brooks Macy Brill, Frank C Hart, Caroline Abernathy, Persis David Woodward, Ludwig Lewisohn.
– Women vs Men, great cartoon with very hot woman with illus by Jefferson Machamer.
– Photos of the Big Berthas that shelled Paris, hidden in the trees of Corbie Wood, 60 gunners worked on each Big Bertha, super photos and illustrations.
– Movie Preview “Valley of the Giants” with Charles Bickford, Claire Trevor, Wayne Morris, How the stunts were done.
– Ross Allen and Florence Bogar wrestle a crocodile – great underwater photos.
– Feature article about Benny Goodman, swing terms, great photos of him performing, swing dance demos.
– G-Men killed by Rats, Edwin C Shanahan, Paul E Reynolds, Raymond J Caffrey, W Carter Baum, Herman E Hollis, Samuel P Cowley.
– President Coolidge rides an electric horse, cartoon illus by Jan N (Ding) Darling.
– Patty Berg, Number 1 golfer, how her swing and grip looks.
– The Hindu Rope Trick, still a mystery, Houdini and Thurston cannot figure out how it works.
– Hobbies around the US, collecting drums Joseph B Wiedenmayer, Dave Elman modeler, Antonio Sonn upside down singer, elephant hair Charles E Davis, skating rooster George Plitt.
– Mickey Mouse captures a giant, “Brave Little Tailor”, Mickey is 10 years old, lots of illustrations.
– Back Page ad, the collected works of Emile Zola.


This  magazine is in very good condition; with only a couple of minor tears on interior pages less than 1” in length.   There is a “2-20” notation that is hand written above the Look masthead and can be seen in photos.  Note that this magazine has been my family for almost 50 years, so the '2-20' note does not mean February 2020.   No noticeable stains.