Artist:  GEORGE PERCY JACOMB-HOOD (English, 1857 – 1929
Title:  "La Cocarde Tricolore"
Medium:  Original Antique Copper Engraving- 1884
Signature:  Signed by the Artist in the plate, as shown
Edition:  Publication believed to be 5000
Size:  16 x 12 inches (total paper)
Printer:  William Luson Thomas (British, 1830 - 1900)
Publisher:   Illustrated Newspapers Ltd. at The Graphic
Note:  The influence of The Graphic within the art world was immense; its many admirers included Vincent van Gogh and Hubert von Herkomer.
Provenance:  Hatay Stratton Fine Art, Northampton, Massachusetts
About the Artist:  George Percy Jacomb-Hood was a British painter, illustrator, and etcher. He was a founding member of the New English Art Club and Society of Portrait Painters.  He was a versatile artist, who in addition to a broad portrait practice, was an accomplished sculptor. He was employed by The Graphic, who sent him to Delhi, India and accompanied King George V to India in 1911 as a member of his personal staff.