Tricyrtis is a genus in the lily family (Lilaceae) commonly called toad lilies. These perennial herbaceous plants, native to Asia (from the Himalayas to Japan and the Philippines), are generally found in shady conditions on the edge of forests.

Of the 16-20 species, only two (and their hybrids) used to be commonly grown as garden ornamentals, primarily for their orchid-like blossoms which open in fall after most other plants have finished blooming. In the last two decades or so, many new cultivars and hybrids were developed in Japan and the United States, including forms with variegated foliage and dwarf habits. 

When planted in the right conditions, toad lilies are quite easy to care for. They prefer moist, rich soil, shade or partial shade, and consistent water. Regular moisture content in the soil will help these plants grow taller. Because of their tall stalks, they benefit when planted in areas that protect them from strong winds. Toad lilies can also easily be grown by seed. They can be started indoors or by directly sowing them into the garden. Either method you choose, it is important not to bury these seeds, as they require light to germinate. The seeds also must be used fresh, not dried and stored.   

To start outdoors, follow these instructions:

To start seeds indoors, follow these instructions: