8.43 oz of memory chips for gold recovery I make no representation to how much because simply I don't really forsure know a number but their ram chips so given the knowledge on previous attempts there's a list somewhere a person on gold refining forums had made with his experiments runs results there worth every penny  I'm asking I do not accept responsibility for any injury during your recovery attempt/s these are for scrap recovery only there may be little %age amount by weight of "other"type contaminates but I personally have gone through and tried picking out anything I saw inside the lot for a good handful of hours this morning 3 to be exact more posts on the way thanks no returns! NO RETURNS. What you see is what your getting I apologize if I misname some type of ic chips because these are mostly memory chips but you will have an occasional regular chip flat pack or whichever ic chip I have pictured I know there are some stragglers I thought they were memory chips when sorting but there isn't that many maybe 5% are different most are good memory ic