How To Build Your Own Speaking Empire (see last photo) These 2 Audio CDs sold for $130.



if you WILL, Making $25,000 in 1 hour of Work: What about $500 in an hour, Heck

even $50 an hour would make getting this course worth while... wouldn't you


How To Build A Maximum Income Speaking Business From my 20+ years'

experience, here are the strategies I've used and use to earn more from

speaking PART-TIME than most do full-time, and to stay booked solid with

minimum marketing.

Each Module in this System is valuable enough to justify the entire price! I

cover my non-marketing approach to attracting bookings and clients; how to

maximize income per engagement and per client; and how to conquer the six

biggest obstacles to earning $250,000.00 a year or more as a professional

speaker. I also reveal my personal 'System' for Platform Selling; a System that

often produces sales of $100.00+ per person in small groups; $15 to $20 per

head in large events. Recently, I've done as much as $67,000.00 in sales from

the platform in one hour. I also cover all other 'profit centers': information

products, self-publishing, newsletters, continuity programs, infomercials,

tele-seminars, seminars, retreats, joint ventures, and many more.

The bottom-line: I can speed up your success,

increase your income, and make your promotional work much easier, for your

speaking business. And I've put it all together in very, very concise form, in

respect of your time. There are 6 Audio CDs and 6 sets of notes

and printed information, in one notebook. The price is $497.00. And I'm well

aware that's a helluva lot of money if you relate price to "bulk." I

hope you're much smarter than that. You see, one weekend spent with this System

can totally revolutionize your speaking business. How do I know that? Because

System users are telling me that, and more. When we released this System for

the first time to a select list of speakers and seminar marketers, we sold

hundreds of the Systems. Typical of the reports back: "I just had my best

month in this business in years thanks to your advice"...." just one

of your suggestions made me over $15,000.00 in two weeks." Hundreds of

these Systems were sold at full price, on a fully guaranteed basis, and during

the guarantee period we issued only two refunds. Also, I personally had

telephone conversations with these buyers - some after they'd reviewed it and

were just getting started with it, others who had quickly implemented some of

the strategies and quickly gotten successful results. So, this System has been

"road-tested" and proved itself of immense value to hundreds of

speakers of varying levels of experience and income.

Do I feel guilty charging so much for just six CDs and a notebook? Not a bit. I sleep like a baby. If anything, I regret not

charging more. Obviously getting just ONE speaking engagement you

wouldn't get otherwise pays back this entire investment, so you should look

forward to a return-on-investment here of 10,000% or more - now where else can

you get that? In fact, if you are serious about the speaking business, I can't

understand how you could possibly justify NOT getting this System.

"The "Mega System For Speakers" would be a bargain at twice

the price. It is an absolute must for people who are serious about the business

side of speaking." -Ken McCarthy, Marketing Solutions, San Francisco, CA

"The Mega System is excellent. It was like a breath of fresh air to

hear you expose the nonsense about career speaking." -Judith Zabalaoui,

CFP, Metaire, LA

"I've been speaking for profit for a number of years. Two things hit me

right away (about your Mega System For Speakers): first, how much easier and

more profitable my speaking business could have been if I would have had Dan's

information to begin with. Second, how putting just a few of these proven

techniques into action will substantially increase my bottom line this year -

and for many years to come." -Bob Serling, Stratford Marketing Group,

Studio City, CA

Dan Kennedy Mega Success

Speaking Business System

Retails for - $497