This Anduril Sword letter opener is 26cm long. It is made of Stainless Steel. It comes with the stand pictured. Its a solid and very good quality piece and knocks the spots off the flimsy AND more expensive versions by anyone else on ebay.

DragonReborn are specialist suppliers of historical products. If you have any questions please just email the seller as we have a massive range of historical products.


Material: Steel
Construction: Two Piece
Length: 10.25 Inches / 26.0 CM
Unit Weight: 75g

This Anduril Letter Opener weighs in at 75 grams and is made from two pieces of steel. The length of this letter opener is 10.25 inches with a grove running down the inside of the blade

The blade has engraved inscriptions out of Lord Of The Rings on the inside of the grove. The handle is decorative with gold paint on the end of the handle and on the tips of the cross guard