STRENGTH TRAINING FOR BASKETBALL Edited by Javair Gillett and Bill Burgos (2020, SC) LN

Softcover Book in Like New Condition. Binding is tight and intact. Cover is glossy FC photography in like new condition. Pages are clean and bright with no markings. Small liquid stain on outside pages, see photo. BW photos and illustrations throughout. Size: 7" x 10", 280 pages.

Developed with the expertise of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Strength Training for Basketball shows you how to design resistance training programs that will develop your athletes’ strength on the court—helping them to jump higher, accelerate faster, and abruptly change direction. The book will help you understand the specific physical demands of each position—point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center. You will also find the following:Each resistance training exercise consists of a series of photos and a detailed list of primary muscles trained, beginning position and movement phases, breathing guidelines, modifications and variations, and coaching tips to guide you in selecting the right exercises for a program. You’ll also learn how to structure those programs based on the goals and length of each season and for each position.

Backed by the NSCA and the knowledge and experience of successful high school, college, and professional basketball strength and conditioning professionals, 
Strength Training for Basketball is the authoritative resource for creating basketball-specific resistance training programs to help your athletes optimize their strength and successfully transfer that strength to the basketball court.