"Written by the Publicity Department Lankershim Branch Security Trust & Savings Bank," 1923, second edition.

Small octavo (7 3/4 by 4 1/4 inches)  56 page stapled promotional booklet in decorative stiff wrappers, illustrated with black and white vintage photographs of scenery, portraits, prominent landmarks, and other historical images, a map, and "A Bird's-eye View of the Great San Fernando Valley;" plus descriptive text. Very good condition.

Sections on the Aqueduct, the Mission, the first California gold rush, Pio Pico, Lopez Station, Lankershim, wheat, and many other topics.

"The City as well as its Valley might well be called 'A Daughter of the Snows,' for the extraordinary community which stretches from hills to sea could not exist but for the delivery at its doors of the icy, life-giving waters from the great white flanks of the distant Sierras."