
"Unleash Your Pet's Vitality with Our Protein-Packed Bone Broth Powder!"

Massive 95% protein content – sourced from European Beef Bones!

No additives or preservatives
No known allergens
Free from lactose, soy, and gluten

Introducing our protein-rich bone broth powder, a flexible, nourishing, and tasty answer to improve your health!

It's designed for health-aware folks who know that excellent health originates from within.

Our European Bone Broth Powder is a powerhouse of nutrition and is ideal for you IF:

If you want to bolster your digestive wellness and gut microbiome, enhance your protein consumption, or simply desire a natural supplement that aids in better joint and skin health, our bone broth powder is your go-to ally.

It’s a swift and effortless substitute to the traditional homemade bone broth

Say goodbye to long hours spent over the stove, boiling bones. With our bone broth powder, you can relish the perks of bone broth in a fraction of the time!

It comes as a dry powder that you can store in your cupboard, or take with you on the go!

How is it made?

The product is sourced and manufactured in Sweden, ensuring that it is antibiotic and allergen-free. It comes from grass-fed EU-Origin cows, emphasizing its premium quality and the health benefits associated with bone broth, including rich protein, collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, and key minerals…

It dissolves easily – making it ‘instant’! It is rich in meat and collagen proteins, amino acids, and other vital nutrients such as glucosamine and chondroitin.

This versatile component can be incorporated into a variety of dishes, from soups and smoothies to teas and scrambled eggs. It seamlessly blends with other ingredients, enhancing the nutritional value of your meals without sacrificing taste. At the core of our product lies the essence of quality and value.

It boasts an impressive 95% protein content and is packed with flavor. It’s also very low in fat!

Our broth powder is tested for protein and fat content – and also any nasties. As you can see above – it ticks all the boxes!

Furthermore, it's Non-GMO, devoid of any additives or preservatives, and free from known allergens. It doesn't contain lactose, soy, or gluten, making it an ideal choice for those with varied dietary requirements.

Neutral Taste!

Its unassuming taste and effortless blendability make it a joy to incorporate into your routine. The health improvements you'll notice even within a brief span of using the product will have you questioning why you didn't embrace it earlier!

It’s a champion for gut health and digestion, assisting in keeping you satiated for extended periods. Think of the gut as the body's "second brain," and you'll understand its importance. A well-functioning gut is key to a robust immune system, heart health, brain wellness, mood enhancement, quality sleep, and efficient digestion.

It's a stalwart supporter of bone robustness and joint well-being, aiding in maintaining your activity and agility.

Moreover, it plays a significant role in skin health and anti-aging, ensuring your skin looks fine too!

Envision the sensation of rising each day, feeling more robust, healthier, and bursting with energy.

Visualize savoring your preferred dishes, now with the added nutritional kick from our product.

This is the transformative experience you can expect when you integrate our bone broth powder into your everyday regimen.

How much is it?

When it comes to bang for your buck, our bone broth powder is second to none. It's the top deal you'll find online, delivering a premium, nutritious product without costing an arm and a leg

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