The Balanced Pressure, Triple Scraping Edge Technology

The “STANDING-TALL TONGUE SCRAPER” is equipped with a Balanced Pressure Scraping Technology. With a single scraping edge of plastic or metal scraper, people have tendency of applying too excessive pressure on their tongue in order to get rid of bad breath causing decaying particles and harmful bacteria as soon as possible, damaging the taste buds and/or delicate tongue muscle including nerves and blood vessels.

The tongue's upper surface (dorsum) is covered by taste buds housed in numerous lingual papillae. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva, and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels.

In order to avoid these possible damages to your tongue, we’ve designed a premium tongue scraper with 3 scraping edges to be strategically positioned at an optimum distance between each other to balance and to ease the pressure applied to your tongue and avoid any and all unnecessary excessive pressure, eliminating any possibility of damaging the sensitive taste buds.

Before you start using this unique, innovative and the most effective “Standing-Tall Tongue Scraper” for your optimum oral hygiene and overall health, we strongly suggest you read the following 10 unique, interesting and important tongue facts and understand the true nature of your tongue.

  1. Our tongue is the only muscle in our body that works without any support from the skeleton. It is known as muscular hydrostat. The tongue is not only the strongest muscle in entire body, but also one of the most sensitive and important muscles as well. Protect Your Sensitive Tongue Muscles!

  2. Our tongue is the home of our taste buds. When looked under a magnifying glass, hundreds and thousands of small bumps will become clearly visible on the tongue. These bumps are known as papillae. The four common tastes are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. A fifth taste, called umami, results from tasting glutamate (present in MSG).Protect Your Sensitive Taste Buds!

  3. There are approximately 10,000 taste buds in our mouth of which 8,000 live on our tongue and the remaining 2,000 are found in the places such as on the inside of our cheeks, on lips, on the roof of our mouth and even under the tongue point.

  4. Every taste bud on our tongue has somewhere between 50 and 100 taste sensing cells. No individual cell is capable of tasting more than one taste. There are specific segments on tongue for sensing different tastes.

  5. Our tongue is the only muscle in our body that is capable of sensing taste and sending clear taste signals to the brain. Each individual taste bud has around 15 receptacles that are responsible for carrying taste signals to our brain.

  6. Because of the flexibility that beats every other muscle in our body, the tongue is capable of easily manipulating food inside the mouth.

  7. The color of the tongue can tell a lot about a person’s health. Here are some color indications about health: Good Health (Pink Tongue); Fungal Infection (White Tongue), Fever or Stomach Problem (Yellow Tongue). Too much bacteria, yeast growth or poor oral hygiene (Black Hairy Tongue), Smoking Tobacco or using Smokeless Tobacco and/or Alcohol Abuse that represents repetitive trauma to your tongue (Irregular Shaped White or Gray Spots).

  8. A dry tongue is not capable of detecting taste. That’s because taste buds are capable of sensing taste only when molecules of the food (or whatever you put in your mouth) dissolve in water (our saliva consists of water).

  9. If you don’t keep your tongue clean and you will get bad breath. Why so? That’s because our mouth is the home of 600 different types of bacteria and a single saliva drop contains 1 million of those bacteria. Our entire tongue remains moist due to saliva. You can imagine the tremendous number of bacteria present on our tongue.

  10. The tongue is much more important than we think. It does not only help to taste food but also helps to talk, to spit, to swallow and even to kiss.

When Should You You Use Your Tongue Scraper?
It’s best used after brushing and flossing your teeth and after each meal. Tongue Scraping has been around for centuries and has only recently caught on in USA. Studies have shown that improving your overall oral health by brushing, flossing, and scraping your tongue, can also improve your overall health.
Tongue Scraping is an essential part of your everyday oral hygiene routine. By removing food and germs from your tongue, you’re helping to stop tooth decay and bad breath.