This vintage paperback book titled " Debates on Evolution" is a collector's edition and limited edition, first edition by F.D. Nichol in 1925. The book includes a debate on the evolution/creation topic between SDAs/Nichol & Baker and Maynard Shipley. The book is published by Pacific Press and printed in English in 1925 in Mountain View, California.The book is a softcover and is an original. The book falls under the Antiquarian & Collectible  Books  categories. The book is a great addition to any science enthusiast's collection and a must-read for any individual interested in the evolution/creation debate. Francis Nichol was at the time editor of the Adventist publication "Signs of the Times". He later was editor of the Adventist Review for close to 50 years.  This is a RARE piece of Adventist Heritage. The pictures provide more details...