Dog Day Afternoon, the classic 1975 (nominated for the Best Director Academy Award for this film) New York City bank robbery hostage crime thriller ("The robbery should have taken 10 minutes. 4 hours later, the bank was like a circus sideshow. 8 hours later, it was the hottest thing on live TV.... 12 hours later, it was history. And it's all true."; "In August, 1972, Sonny Wortzik robbed a bank. 250 cops, the F.B.I., 8 hostages and 2,000 onlookers will never forget what took place."; "Nobody could dream him up. His incredible bank robbery is all the more bizarre... Because it's true."; "In the middle of a robbery -- Pizza for everyone. Pizza for everyone??"; "In the middle of a robbery -- A protest demonstration. A protest demonstration??"; "In the middle of a robbery -- Mama comes to help. Mama comes to help??"; "In the middle of a robbery -- An obscene phone call. An obscene phone call??"; "Weird things can happen on a Dog Day Afternoon"; "When it actually happened, Life Magazine made a big fuss about it... Now see what the big fuss is all about."; "Al Pacino plays Sonny Wortzik... maybe you remember him... Maybe you remember how crazy the whole thing was."; "Incredible but True!"