This is a stand off scale model of a Slipper Launch, 900mm long with 238mm beam. This type of boat are found on the Thames and other rivers often seen at regattas and sailing events.  The kit uses accurate Laser cut liteply parts, acrylic plastic glazing material and includes a step by step instruction manual. These kits are intended to be easy to construct but some experience would be an advantage. The chairs & Deck fittings  are not included in the kit. Radio control and electric motors can be fitted to the kit but the kit does not include any hardware, e.g. prop shaft, rudder, motor, battery, R.c. ect. The model in the Photo uses dolls house items and deck fitting from model suppliers.  Stand not included.
I now produce a  fittings set for this model with the 3D printed chairs. Available as a separate Item on ebay.