Lewis Collins's 1981 Court Case

(concerning him pointing a gun at 2 women involved with one of his charities)

Including a tabloid cartoon comment on the case from the time

There is a vast amount of information in the articles from all perspectives, from Lewis and the 2 women involved

1.) 'Why I Let Fly with my Shotgun' - Lewis explains to the Daily Star why he did it, this article features a very rare photo of the ladies he pointed a gun at, there are quotes from both ladies and several quotes from Lewis about the incident

2.) 'Professionals Star Spends Night in Cells - TV tough guy on shooting charge' - from a non dated British tabloid, not dated but possibly from the Daily Mail - this article informs how LC was released from a cell, what he was charged with and how he was bailed to appeal at a magistrates' court and mentions he was due to start filming a new series of The Professionals, the article also mentions his fiancée Marion Sheffield

3.) 'Shotgun Bodie - I Blew My Top!' - Lewis explains the incident to The Sun after being fined. There are details about the allegations made by the 2 women and details about the last ever episode of The Professionals being filmed

4.) 'Bodie the Big Shot' - Daily Mirror article, more details about the background of the incident and a rare photo of Lewis leaving court

5.) 'The Night I Acted Just like Bodie' - this article includes a very rare photo of Lewis and his girlfriend leaving court in the back of a car. There are more details of the incident and a quote from Marion Sheffield on leaving court

6.) 'Everything got on top of me, says actor' - more detailed article, mainly text by Ian Walker - this article is an interview with Lewis on set of The Professionals, it explains the incident from Lewis's perspective with many quotes from him. There are also figures for the amount of alcohol Lewis had consumed that day and there are are also quotes from Miss Whitcombe about how she felt about Lewis after the incident

7.) 'TV's Bodie faces gun blast charge' - this article informs of how Lewis was held by police and charged with a shotgun offence, held overnight and how he went for a run afterwards

8.) 'Bodie fined for gun terror' - a lot of detail in this text only article in the Daily Express - about how the charity money was raised on the John Conteh walk, Lewis's father's involvement, more quotes from Lewis about the incident.

9.) 'Collins: These sickening claims' - Lewis explained how he was totally sickened by the claims he misused charity funds. This article has actual financial figures involving the claims, including charity expenses and how Lewis needed to get back the books, records and cheque books from the 2 women

10.) 'Bail for Bodie' - outlines the case

11.) Original Newspaper Cartoon by Bill Caldwell - depicts Bodie and tries to make an amusing joke out of the situation

12.) Very Small article - TV star on gun charge

13.) Another Very Small article - this is from the Daily Mirror and states how the Daily Mirror incorrectly reported the incident due to an incorrect entry on the court record