For sale, a stylish-looking Philips PET710 portable CD player.  I've tested this, and it's in working order (see video; NB please note that this is a widescreen unit but the DVD I happened to use to test it was 4:3 so doesn't fill the whole screen.)

Please note that there is no power adapter included!  There was still charge in the battery when I got this which is how I was able to test it, but once that's used up you won't be able to use it further without an adapter.  However I see these can be bought online for about £10 or so, or if you're lucky you may have something lying around that's suitable anyway.

The remote isn't there either, although it's not something that is going to be needed for normal playback when it's most likely going to be used on a lap or sat on a desk immediately in front of the user.  And from looking at the built-in controls it seems the player setup screens can be accessed from the front panel too so that shouldn't be an issue either.