This listing is for a golf ball size of live Sea Grape Caulerpa. These Caulerpa are a great addition to any refugium or display tank bringing color, diversity and uniqueness from the way it grows and forms like a vine of grapes. Sea grapes are often used for nutrient export in refugiums and digested as a delicacy in sushi restaurants. Lastly please do your research if your state allows you to buy this type of Caulerpa since some states may not allow the purchase of them since they may be known as a nuisance algae.  

Pictures are used for reference only.  Do not order expecting a larger quantity then what is provided in the description.  If you want a larger frag please message us directly and we can quote for a larger piece if it is available.  Be mindful when purchasing that all macros/corals grow and color differently under different tank conditions ie water flow, chemistry parameters, lighting type and exposure, and tank placement of livestock.  In rare cases that macros are delayed due to shipping they may arrive with brown or translucent spots please be mindful that this is temporary and related to stress, it is not dead and will recover quickly under normal aquarium parameters.

FYI, NOT for sale and ship to California CA as this macro is ban from transport and sale.

If you live in a State that is affected by Winter weather please be aware that we only offer heat packs and cover DOA for orders that are shipped using Priority Mail and Priority Express Next Day Shipping service.  If you order from a Winter affected State using first class shipping then we do not guarantee DOA or offer a heat pack as it is the slowest shipping method and does not have a guarantee a delivery date unlike priority/express service so this can render the heat pack useless as it may exceed the heating duration of the heat pack.

We only offer DOA with first class for surrounding states and offer DOA coverage for all orders using priority or priority express shipping method as first class is the slowest shipping method and does not have a guarantee delivery date, has lower priority to shipment through sorting centers, and susceptible to delays due to pandemics and holidays. If your order is covered and arrives DOA please send us a message along with clear pictures of the DOA livestock within 2hrs of the shown tracking delivery time. DOA pictures MUST be clear in the way you received the package and must be in original double bag sealed packaging to determine the livestock was not contaminated or altered in any way. Do not put the livestock in your tank doing so will void the warranty as we only guarantee survival of the livestock during transport and have no control over your tank parameters or guarantee the survival of the macro/livestock in your tank. Neglecting and refusing to do so will void any guarantee.

How to tell if your livestock is DOA (Dead on Arrival):
If the item is melted and there's nothing but brown slime/sludge then your item is DOA. If you bought a coral with polyp(s) and the extensions are not open after opening your package or in your tank then this is not consider at DOA as the polyp requires stimulation to open (lighting, water flow, proper water params). However if you received a polyp that is melted then this is considered DOA and you should reach out to us and provide clear pictures within 2 hours of the delivery time. DOA pictures MUST be clear in the way you received the package and must be in original double bag sealed packaging to determine the livestock was not contaminated or altered in any way.


When you first receive your coral/macro make sure to acclimate it with the tank temperature and water just like you would with any corals. For best results keep your tank temperature at 78-80 degrees and provide sufficient  photo-period of a minimum of 10 hours or greater. Make to test and keep your parameters within ranges as shown below:

  • Calcium: 400-450ppm
  • Alkalinity: 8 - 11 dkh
  • Magnesium: 1250 - 1350ppm
  • Salinity: 1.024 - 1.026
  • Phosphate: .003 - .1ppm