Pan Nam System of Wing Chun (3) DVD Set with EDDIE CHONG

DVD #1:  Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu, Bil Gee - This first DVD demonstrates and explains the three hand forms; Sil Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, and Bil Gee. All forms are broken down and applied in detail to opponents. Wing Chun trapping techniques occupy the opponent’s defenses while the practitioner launches his own assault unhindered.

DVD #2:   Double Chi Sao - In the second, DVD Sifu Chong instructs you in Double Sticky Hand (Chi Sao) exercises. Offensive and defensive techniques are thoroughly broken down and applied. Basic assumptions and positioning are quite different from the Yip Man style of Wing Chun.

DVD #3:   Wooden Dummy, Butterfly Swords, Longpole - In the third DVD, Sifu Chong introduces and explains the Wooden Dummy form and weapons. The form is demonstrated, broken down, and applied to live adversaries.

The Wooden Dummy (Muk Yan Jong) is instrumental in teaching correct facing, power delivery, and grabbing. Wooden Dummy training and its appropriate application is a hallmark of an advanced Wing Chun practitioner.

The 6 and a half point staff and Butterfly Knife forms are demonstrated, broken down, and applied. The staff is unique in that it is handled from the end as opposed to the center as common to other long range martial arts weapons. This gives the weapon extreme range and allows it to generate tremendous force and leverage.

Sifu Chong shows you the forms, training exercises, and applications to fully exploit the unique advantages of this weapon. Along with the Wooden Dummy, the Butterfly Knives are a signature tool of the accomplished Wing Chun practitioner.


US = $12.00