Mainly British, these boxes hold lots of shapes, colours and sizes of mixed glass. Mostly 3-4 mm thickness. A few pieces of mirror and clear glass may be less. A couple of pieces may have copper foil round them.
My first photo always shows how I start my selection, which comes roughly to 450g in each box. I then add extra glass to get the total weight to around 600g per box. Then I photograph each individual box, so you know what you are buying.
Some of my unused glass is cut into squares and oblongs, and mixed in with the offcuts from previous projects. There is usually a small piece of iridised Wissmach.
Until recently, I have not purchased any new glass. I have spent time sorting ALL my glass, into what I might keep/ use, and what needs to find a home with fellow crafters.
Stained glass is only one of my hobbies, and I need to create more space in my crafting room.
These photos are for Boxes 10, and now Box 11. I have not sorted any more glass at this point in time.
Postage for one box or two is the same.