Selling a fully painted and magnetized custom Black Templars army and 10th edition rulebook for Warhammer 40k.

All miniatures fully painted by me and varnished with two coats of Mr. Super Clear matte. All miniatures magnetized on the bottom of their bases for quick transport with a magnetized case. 17L really useful box with sheet metal adhered to the bottom with strong mounting tape also included.

Also included are bits, sprues, and transfers for space marines.

Miniatures included:

1 squad of new terminators with transport beacon (6 minis)

1 Terminator captain

1 apothecary biologis

1 Castellan

2 Marshals (one with plasma and power weapon, one with combi weapon)

1 squad of intercessors (5 minis)

1 squad of infernus marines (10 minis)

1 squad of primaris crusaders (10 minis)

1 Balistus dreadnought

1 Black Templars Primaris Impulsor (with multi melta)

1 Lieutenant with storm shield

1 primaris lieutenant in phobos armor

1 squad of sternguard veterans (5 minis)

1 Librarian in Terminator armor

1 Helbrecht

1 Chaplain grimaldus and retinue (4 minis)

1 Emperor's Champion

1 Lieutenant with plasma pistol and power fist

1 Chaplain

Core rule book also included. Rulebook has wear on it in the form of bends on the hardcover corners. Sticker with a name on in on the front inner harcover.

Paints used:

All models primed black with Rustoleum 2x ultra flat black

armor :

Gunmetal Grey - base - lightly drybrushed on black primer(vallejo)

two coats of Dark Tone (Army Painter)

allow one coat to dry before applying the second coat

Drybrush gunmetal grey once more

Highlight with Runefang Steel (Citadel) or bright silver color

--- Red armor for the Emperor's Champion achieved by doing this method and then applying Army Painter Quick Paints Slaughter Red over it.

Red clothes:

Base - Mephiston Red (citadel)

Wash - Berserker Bloodshade (citadel

Heavy Drybrush Mephiston red over the washed basecoat

Highlight with Evil sunz scarlett (Citadel)

Red weapons and icons:

Base - Mephiston Red (Citadel)

Wash - Berserker Bloodshade (Citadel)

Highlight raised areas with Mars Red (Army Painter) or equivalent bright red

Edge highlight for weapons


Base - Retributor gold (Citadel)

Wash - Strong tone (Army Painter)

Highlight - Auric Gold Armor (Citadel) drybrush or apply to raised areas with a normal brush


Base - Dryad Bark (Citadel)

Wash - Strong Tone (Army Painter

Edge highlight - Flat Earth (Vallejo)


Base - Black (vallejo)

Highlight 1 - Thunderhawk blue (Citadel)

Highlight 2 - Administratum Grey (Citadel)

Apply highlight 1 before 2. Apply 2 lighter than highlight 1. Edge highlight for jumpack boosters. Everything else is either a drybrush or an edge highlight. I recommend an edge highlight for slightly more control.


Base - Corax White (Citadel)

wash - Dark Tone (Army Painter)

Drybrush over wash with Corax white

Highlight - Drybush over raised parts with Vallejo White. Simply called "white".

Parchments and seals:

Base - Morghast Bone (Citadel)

Wash - Serphim sephia (Citadel)

Use a micron pen to scribble little lines that look like text from 5ft away


Base - Zandri dust (Citadel)

Wash - Strong Tone (Army Painter)

Drybrush over wash with Zandri Dust

Highlight - Drybrush raised areas with Screaming Skull (Citadel)


Base - Mephiston Red (Citadel)

Wash - Berserker Bloodshade (Citadel)

Apply Fire Dragon Bright (Citadel) 66% of the way up on the fire, then go down

Apply Dorn Yellow (Citadel) or other appropriate bright yellow 33% of the way up on the fire, then go down

Light on power weapons:

Use corax white (citadel) to map out the area where you want your light to go.

Apply Imperial Fist Contrast Paint (Citadel) over the white

Apply Dorn Yellow (Citadel) farther in that where your Imperial fist paint is, going inward

Apply Vallejo White closest to your source of light


Base - Fire Dragon Bright (Citadel)

Wash - Fuegan Orange (Citadel) x2 Apply two washes

Go over raised portions with Fire Dragon Bright

Near the middle, apply a bright yellow on the raised portions

On the corner of the plasma, apply dots of white.


Base - Dryad Bark (Citadel)

Wash - Strong Tone (Army Painter)

Drybrush - Lime green (Vallejo)

Apply Turbo Tacky Glue to areas where you want grass to be

Apply Army painter Battlefield grass over the glue

After drying, shake all loose grass from the base


Base - Kantor Blue (Citadel)

Wash - Drakenhof Nightshade (Citadel)

Apply Vallejo acryllic water texture over paint.


Base - Neutral Grey (Vallejo)

Wash - Dark Tone (Army Painter)

drybrush over wash with Neutral Grey

Highlight raised areas with Administratum Grey (Citadel)

Buyer has 3 days to pay before item is relisted.

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If you have any questions, or want to see additional photos, don't hesitate to contact me.