N8UX RuggedWire
Center Fed HF Monoband Dipole Antennas
RWD-80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 Meters

N8UX RuggedWire HF Monoband Dipoles are rugged antennas that work. They are constructed using #12 stranded copper wire with a durable UV and chemical resistant insulation. Hefty 1/8" galvanized wire rope cable clamps secure the wire to a durable PVC center assembly and fence grade poly end strain insulators. Designed to handle legal-limit power levels.

The no-strain design of the center assembly does not use the eye bolts for electrical connections. Silver-teflon SO239 for attaching your coax feedline. Because of the weight of the antenna and coax, the center assembly requires support for which a top eye bolt is attached.

Comes with complete instructions on mounting and adjustment. Does not include a balun or common mode choke.