Size large, men's, GYLTY "Uber-Rare" "Digital Nimbus" leggings.  Features perfect male-conforming front in a Cyberpunk design and drawstring waste.  The front housing arches upwards to give a bikini-breif appearance to the front; so that all can get a perspective of how truly close to naked you are.
The back comes with a booty-shorts look as the sides hang down freely; allowing them to be cheeky and creep up, whether intentionally or accidentally.  Leggings are a light material, allowing your legs to breathe and be free from the stuffy feeling of those jean things that people wear.
This pair does NOT have the GYLTY Ass-Sesori system.

Every year, 92 million tons of clothing enterinto the Earth’s soil; decommissioned. Surprisingly, almost 60% of all clothing material is actually plastic!1  According to, the average USConsumer throws away 81.5 pounds of clothes, which is 2,150 pieces PER SECOND.1  In addition, the number of times a garment isworn has declined by around 36% in 15 years.1  At present, many items are worn only seven toten times before being tossed; reflecting a decline of more than 35% in 15years.1  This means, more andmore clothes are being thrown away that were HARDLY EVER WORN!!  

The fashion industry is the second largest polluter of clean waterand 85% of textiles end up in a landfill or incinerated.3

So, what can be done?

Making GYLTY our way oflife

GYLTY is a designer clothing brand thatis passionate about making people feel good and comfortable in clothes again.  We are also passionate about helping theenvironment, and we want to do our part; however small it may be.  We are a company of strong ethics, and wewant to make an impact on people’s lives.

GYLTY, a Made in the USA company, looks to fiillin the gap for consumers, providing consumers a way to purchase unique, sexyclothes with the latest styles while using greater than 50% repurposedmaterials.  A large quantity of thematerials being used are the ones doing the greatest damage to the climate; thesynthetic ones.

GYLTY will provide the consumers with exciting and fascinating (fictional) stories detailing the source of the materials used, making the very fact thatthey had once been used a reason that it is desirable. 

Consumers will be excited to see the newest designs and combinationsof materials, and each piece will be a “Limited” or “One-Of-A-Kind,”“Uber-Rare” piece, making them something akin to high-end art pieces, and lessof the mass-produced items flooding chain stores.  A GYLTY customer will wear their item withpride, and know that they are the only ones in the WORLD that have it!  This rarity and originality make theword-of-mouth travel like wildfire.