"Rural Owner: Weekly Illustrated Journal of Practical Agriculture and Household Management" was founded in St. Petersburg in 1885 by an experienced Russian specialist in the field of agriculture K. I. Maslyannikov. From 1898 to 1918 (No. 2) it was published by P. P. Soikin. Published under the editorship of K.I. Maslyannikov from 1885 to 1898 (No. 2), then from 1898 (No. 3) to 1913 (No. 39), the editor was F.S. Gruzdev, from 1913 (No. 42) to 1918 city ​​- P.N.Steinberg. In January-March 1918, the material of the temporarily discontinued magazine "Progressive gardening and vegetable gardening" was posted on its pages. In June of the same year, "Rural Owner" was closed. Nos. 10-22 were printed in Petrograd in the 5th state printing house of the Economic Committee (the former printing house of P. P. Soikin). The main task of the publication was determined by K. I. Maslyannikov in 1885: "Elucidation of the internal and external reasons for the decline of our grain trade and the search for funds for its possible improvement." Until 1898 in "Rural Owner" each issue came out in a volume of 16-24 pages, format 24x32 cm. The structure of the publication covered both branches of agriculture: "Agricultural research", "Gardening and horticulture", "Livestock", "Field cultivation", " Forestry "," Fishing "," Poultry "," Beekeeping "and other industries:" Trade "," Technology "," Architecture and mechanics "," Sports and hunting ". The following sections were also presented: "Bibliography", "Housekeeping", "Demand and Supply". Further, under P.P. Soikin, the volume was reduced to 16 pages, the design and format remained unchanged. The magazine began to be divided into sections: "Chronicle", "Correspondence", "Questions and Answers", "Supply and Demand", "Announcements". The journal published articles with information about new developments in agriculture, so the department of agricultural machinery was led by the scientist-chemist K.I.Debu. There are also essays, statistics, practical advice on housekeeping, answers to letters from readers. At the end of each issue there is a thematic advertisement, a subscription to periodicals and individual books on agriculture. Numerous black and white illustrations complement the text. Applications were released for some years. An index is attached at the end of every year except 1918. For the high professional level of the material, the publication was approved by the Ministry of Education as a teaching aid for secondary educational institutions. The magazine was awarded many medals and prizes at various agricultural exhibitions: the industrial exhibition in Tsarskoe Selo (1910), the All-Russian Exhibition in Petrograd (1913), the World Exhibition of Horticulture and Horticulture in Petrograd (1914), etc. Limited edition.