Refurbished Alivio Baby Stroller Pushchair for Toddlers with Nets offers versatility and comfort for parents on the move, despite having a damaged box with minimal scratches, dents, and marks. This thoughtfully designed stroller accommodates children from birth to approximately four years old, with a weight limit of 22 kg.

Key features of the Refurbished Alivio Baby Stroller Pushchair:

  1. CLICK & FOLD System: The convenient CLICK & FOLD system allows you to fold the stroller with the seat still attached, making transportation and storage effortless, especially when loading it into your car's boot.

  2. Puncture-Resistant Wheels with Shock Absorbers: Equipped with large, puncture-resistant wheels with built-in shock absorbers, the stroller ensures a smooth and comfortable ride for your little one, even on rough terrain.

  3. 360-Degree Swivel Front Wheels: The front wheels can swivel a full 360 degrees, providing effortless steering. For rougher terrain, simply lock them in place to maintain a straight course.

  4. STOP & RIDE Linked Brake System: The innovative STOP & RIDE linked brake system, conveniently operated from the top, guarantees safety without any risk of damaging your shoes, ensuring peace of mind for parents.

  5. Extendable Hood with Rear Window: The stroller boasts a large extendable hood with a rear window, allowing you to keep an eye on your child while providing protection from cold winds and harsh weather conditions.

  6. Practical Storage Pocket: Featuring a practical pocket at the back, the stroller provides convenient storage for small items, making your outings as hassle-free as possible.

Overall, the Refurbished Alivio Baby Stroller Pushchair for Toddlers with Nets is a reliable companion for parents who value functionality and comfort in their child's transportation. With its thoughtful design and innovative features, this stroller ensures both safety and convenience for both parent and child during outings.

3Months Warranty!
*Pictures attached are of general use and may vary between each item*
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