Here we have something unique, a Judaica collectible. Rabbi Shalom haKohen Weiss was a rabbi in New York after serving the no longer existent community of Ujhely in Hungary/Slovakia. This volume is unrecorded in Worldcat. Published by Hadar Linotyping, 87Crosby Street, in 1952 it gives testimony to the survival of Jewish learning and lore after the Holocaust, a direct connection. Stamped with the library stamp of the Shomer Shabbos shul in Cleveland, Shamreh Shabath, their corporate name, it's a compendium of sacred thoughts  on Redemption. 73 pages, section of endpaper inside back cover removed,  signs of mold damage, title page taped with yellow tape at bottom of page, unhinged  inside front cover, signatures revealed, title glued to hardcover spine, it's a curiosity, with serious letters of approbation from including Moshe Feinstein, Rav Zelig Bengis, Eliezer Silver, Y. Shteif etc., if only for the significance  of the author, his topic, and Ujhely. Be the first one on most any block to own this title and the world will say, blessed is ebay. BH