La Pie Qui Chante
3rd series

Set B

10 cards ( Tennis )
B35 Hunter
B42 Lily de Alvarez
B51 Landry
B52 Cochet
B70 Borotra
B77 W.Allison
B78 Van Ryn
B81 Austin
B87 Lacoste
B89 Tilden

Cards are sold as is. You buy what you see in the photo. Depending on the cards or lots sold, they may have small stains, folds (for example in the corner, these being due to their initial place in the album for very long years), etc. Please see the photos, they are here for that.

Ma Boutique MKTE4207

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Pie qui chante Automobile / Auto Racing
Pie qui chante Tennis
Pie qui chante Boxing / Boxe
Pie qui chante Cycling
Pie qui chante Athletics / Track and Fields
Pie qui chante Divers