From my Mother’s estate,

This doll has been in display cabinet. For a VERY long time there are no markings. Unfortunately I don’t know much about it. She has a little red, riding hood type hat, and I believe a homemade dress with tiny snaps. I can find no damage other than she needs to be cleaned. She has a little bit of an odd odor. Old plastic? It’s not horrible just not familiar to me. She has glued on wig, that is coming loose. She will sit on her own. And I had her standing and leaning up against the wall all of her joints work every which direction. She has tiny little skates, I did not try to take off. and the wheels turn her face is painted. Her lower lashes are painted. Upper lashes are faux . I can find no markings on this Doll. Please ask for additional pictures if you need them.

I just want her to find a good home and get all cleaned up. My items come from a clean, pet and smoke-free home.