Powerfull Antioxidant
Help regulate blood sugar 
Regulate blood pressure in the body 
Help lower and control cholesterol level
Relieve pain and swelling
Help in maintaining bone health

Made in USA

2 Bottles 360 Capsules

What Are the Health Benefits of Dandelion Root?

Dandelion Root has a long history of therapeutic use. Dandelion has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and support for liver complaints.  In Korean herbal medicine Dandelion has been used to improve Energy levels and health. It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico, and elsewhere in the world, that beneficial effects are available in natural plants. Indeed, research has shown that compounds in plants have pharmacokinetic effects. Dandelion, long speculated to have Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties. The health benefits of Dandelion include relief from liver and Urinary problem. It also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to weight loss programs. 

Dandelion Root is Powerful Antioxidant

Dandelion contains chemicals whose biological activities are actively being explored for roles in human health. In particular, evidence suggests that Dandelion contains Antioxidant and redness-resistant compounds. Dandelions are rich in calcium, which is essential for the growth and strength of bones, and they are rich in Antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin, which protect bones from age-related damage. This inevitable impairment is often due to free radicals, and is frequently seen as bone frailty, weakness, and decreased density. The Antioxidants like vitamin-C and Luteolin keep the liver functioning in optimal gear and protect it from aging, also stimulating the liver and promoting digestion.

Dandelion Root for Urinary problem

Dandelions are highly diuretic in nature, so they help eliminate deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and the Urinary tract. The disinfectant properties of Dandelions also inhibit microbial growth in the Urinary system. Dandelion sap, also known as Dandelion milk, is useful for skin problem which are caused by microbial and fungal infections. Dandelion Root is a good detoxifier, diuretic, stimulant and Antioxidant. These toxins tend to come out along with sweat through the sweat glands or sebaceous glands on the skin.  Therefore, the toxic substances cannot escape and eventually result in acne. This situation is exacerbated by the microbial infections on the affected places.

Dandelion is Promotes Weight Loss

Our urine consists of up to 4% fat, so the more we urinate, the more water and fats are lost from the body. Dandelions, being diuretic in nature, promote urination and thereby help in losing the dreaded “water weight” without causing any side effects. Furthermore, Dandelions are low in calories, like most leafy greens, but for the small expense of calories (~1oo cal./4 cups), you get a huge amount of beneficial side effects. This is also why Dandelions are sometimes used as sweeteners, because they are not packed with unhealthy sugars. Being diuretic in nature, it promotes urination, where the excess bile can be eliminated. Finally, as an Antioxidant and disinfectant due to the presence of vitamin-C and Luteolin, it fights viral infections as well. 

Dandelion Reduces Water Weight

If you’re feeling bloated, Dandelion could provide relief because it acts as a diuretic and increases urine output. One study showed an increased urine output after two 1-cup servings of Dandelion made from the leaves of the plant. Dandelion root has long been held as a “liver tonic” in folk medicine. Preliminary studies suggest this is due, in part, to its ability to increase the flow of bile. While concrete findings on how this ultimately affects liver health are hard to come by, naturopaths believe it means that Dandelion root could help detoxify the liver, help with skin and eye problems, and relieve symptoms of liver problem. A recent Korean study suggests that Dandelion could have similar effects on the body as the weight loss supplement.

Dandelion for Liver Support and Detoxification

Dandelion has been used for years by various cultures to support healthy liver function and natural detoxification in the body. Though it hasn’t been well studied, many people with hepatitis turn to it to help support the liver. Traditional cultures have used Dandelion to support digestive health and it was often consumed to support lactation or to help remedy issues like Urinary tract infections. Dandelion is a source of a variety of nutrients and the leaves and root contain Vitamins (like A,C, K and B-vitamins) as well as minerals (including magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and choline). The various parts of the plant have a long history of use as an herbal remedy, and every documented population in areas where it grows naturally has used it medicinally.

Dandelion is Good Source of Nutrients

Dandelion is a great source of many important vitamins and minerals, as well as Antioxidants and nutritive salts, which may help support blood health and increase iron absorption. Many people use Dandelion root to detoxify, relieve constipation, soothe an upset stomach, and help shed water weight, among many other health remedies. Dandelion is used for the  muscle aches, loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, eczema and bruises. It also increases urine production and serves as a laxative to increase bowel movements. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and Dandelions contain 10 percent of your daily value. Calcium is stored in the structure of the bones and teeth. It’s used for nerve transmission, blood clotting, and muscle contraction.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size:  1 Quick Release Capsule
Servings Per Container:  180 
Dandelion ROOT (Taraxacum Officinale) (root) 520 mg * 

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin Capsule, Rice Powder, Vegetable Magnesium Steartae, Silica

SUGGESTED USE: For adults, take one (1) to two (2) quick release capsules one to three times daily, preferably with meals. 

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease