The story of the Hurricane and the Spitfire as told by Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader with special contributions by Group Captain Sir Max Aitken, Air Chief Marshal Sir Harry Broadhurst, Air Commodore A. C. Deere, Group Captain H.S.L. Dundas, Wing Commander D. Gilham, Air Vice Marshal J.E. Johnson and many more British fighter pilots.  There are ample pictures both black and white and color.

Contributions in the book one from Hugh "Cocky" Dundas reads..."Douglas was very much a pioneer in getting away from that line astern formation.  In fact he and I conducted an experiment together, following a long conversation in the mess.  We tried a bit of finger-four and adopted it.  I certainly never flew anything else for the rest of the war."

Wing Commander P.B. Laddie Lucas about the battle of Malta..."Outnumber usually by twelve to fourteen to one.  Kesselring now had at his disposal 600 front-line aircraft in Sicily while we had twenty or thirty serviceable fighters of our own.