ECKON OO gauge LED colour light signals, gantry signals and yard & street lamps - 15 in total.

2 x 'British style' yard lamps
6 x ES3 triple aspect home/distance signal lights.
1 x ES2 double aspect home signal light.
1 x ES7L signal light.
1 x ES24 ground signal.
2 x overhead double track gantrys with triple aspect lights.
2 x street lights (not shown, but included).
A few spare components from various kits.

These have been carefully removed from a layout. The layout was stored in a heated house and protected with dust covers, so all in good condition and I believe to be in working order.
These belonged to my late brother and I am now clearing his house. Model railways are not my forte, but I have tried my best, with limited knowledge, to identify the various components.
I also have a quantity of Peco track, points and motors, Hornby track, scenery, lighting, buildings etc for sale - see separate listings.