You Pick 4 Bags - Rabbit, Chicken, Birds, Deer, Cows/Sheep/Goats Empty Feed Bags/Sacks

Let me know how many of each of the following bags you would like:
Rabbit Pro  (red & white bag) (quantity - alot)
Rabbit Sho  (purple & white bag) (quantity - currently out of stock, more coming soon)
Rabbit Country Acres (yellow bag) (quantity 2)
Chicken Layena (quantity 1)
Chicken Layer Crumbles (quantity 0)
Sunflower Hearts  (these bags have one jagged end where it was cut with scissors) (quantity - alot)
Deer Corn (quantity 1)
Whole Corn (quantity - alot)
Cracked Corn (quantity - 2)
Cattle Cubes (quantity 1)
Apple Flavor Deer Cubes (quantity 1)

You can use to make totes, duffle bags, laundry bag, tarps, cover your windshield to keep ice & snow off, clothing, curtains, seat covers, you can add soil and use it as a pot to grow vegetables, many uses for these bags. They are very strong and are a woven plastic type of feed bag.  I have shaken them out as best as possible, but will need to be wiped if you want them super clean.  I have also checked for holes and discarded those bags.  The bottom binding usually has been left on (some of the bags has a top binding only, and some of them do not have any binding at all), leave on or take it off, your choice. If you have a preference on the binding, just message me before you purchase.  If you need more pictures or have questions, let me know.  If you want a different number of bags than I have listed, let me know. We have bags coming on a regular basis.

I have allotted $6 for the bags & $7 for shipping (1 lb of bags, unfortunately shipping is costing more now), if you would like a larger quantity, let me know & I can check out a flat rate box, this should bring down the shipping cost per bag.