1965 Churchill Crowns - Queen Elizabeth II Great Condition.

The first United Kingdom coin to depict a person outside the Royal Family issued to honour the life of Sir Winston Churchill.

Nearly 20 million of these coins were issued, but the crown is still a hugely popular coin and no British coin collection would be complete without one!

Even if just to remind yourself, If you're going through hell, keep going.”

Love him or hate him? He was a never ending source of truly great quotes. 

"For my part, I consider that it will be found much better by all Parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write that history."


“You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory however long and hard the road may be. For without victory there is no survival.”

Maybe the best? 

“All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.”

Now I have a whole box full of Churchill Crowns.....