Nice selection of 21 Men's Action Adventure paperbacks from the 1960s to 1980s.

Miscellanous Action Adventure Paperbacks - all appear to be first editions.  Some are just crazy such as Ninja Master 2 and The Smuggler.
1 Barker Wade Ninja Master 2: Mountain of Fear 1981
2 Barry Mike The Lone Wolf 1: Night Raider 1973
3 Caillou Alan Cabot Cain 3: Assault on Fellawi 1972
4 Heath Peter The Mind Brothers 1967
5 Manning Kyle Z Comm: Killpoint 1989
6 Marlowe Dan Drake: Operation Flashpoint 1970
7 Masters J.D. Steele 1989
8 Olden Marc The Harker File  1976
9 Olden Marc Black Samurai 3 1974
10 Olden Marc Black Samurai 6 1975
11 Peterson Paul The Smuggler 4: Mother Luck 1974
12 Q John Peter Trees: The Survivor 1965
13 Q John Peter Trees: The Bunnies 1965
14 Revere John Justin Perry: The Assassin 1983
15 Roberts Mark Soldier For Hire 5: Libyan Warlord 1982
16 Roberts Mark Soldier For Hire 6 1982
17 Roberts Mark Soldier For Hire 7 1983
18 Roberts Mark Soldier For Hire 8 1983
19 Rosenberger Joseph The Death Merchant 1971
20 Santiago V.J. The Vigilante 2: Los Angeles: Detour to a Funeral 1975
21 Stivers Dick Able Team 8: Army of Devils 1983
22 Sugar Andrew The Enforcer 1 1973