Product Description

Best Protection Leklai

BIG Magic Gold Leklai stone

Big  Leklai Thong Pla Lai ( Natural shape )


Big Gold / Thong Pla lai  Lek lai


Have only in my Store . Super Rare !!

Natural rare Leklai invite from Cave

Very very good item - nice powerful collection .

Natural invite from Leklai ceremony in Cave ( KAO KUNN ) at Surat Thani on AUG 2564 B.E.


Big SIZE : Long 7 " inches  width  4  cm

Weight : 636 Grams


This LEKLAI Tiger Suriyan Racha Bring very good fortune .
and Protect Owner from any black magic / Evil and any bad harm .





The strange Leklai shape looks very beautiful. very difficult to come down .

Super Psychic element for Prayer Amulet .

Por Kai Leklai Master invite This Powerful Leklai from cave .

Naural invited Leklai ceremony.




Thong Pla Lai or Gold Amulet has bright gold color that looks glittering like an eel's belly.

It is made of several kinds of holy minerals, can be flexible on fire and has water – like mobility.

The Gold Metal Amulet can be found in the rainforest and is believed to be in the care of noble angels such as the Lord of Jungle,King of Naga and powerful hermits.

The power of “Thong Pla Lai ” or the Gold Metal Amulet benefits possessors a lot of ways. For example, it can bring good lucks, prosperity and security to possessors and their families. Moreover it can protectpossessors from dangers, give the power of invulnerability, support businesses and trading and so on.




How to worship the Leklai Amulet

offer a glass of honey put in front of  amulet on private shelf .

do this 2 times / week to worship Naga wand hermit Leklai .


First, say “Na Mo” for three times. Second, cast the spell of worship

Phutto Mea na tho - Thummo Mea na tho - Sung kho Mea na tho

Sa ka pa ja Bucha - Ja Ma ha Bu cha

Ei sa wa su - Ei ti Pakawa

Summa Summaa Summa Summaa

Nama A Eu

Nama pa ta

Na mo Phutta ya


Focus your mind to amulet , ask / said to amulet help your wish .

Respect amulet , amulet will help you and miracle will happen .


Por Kai ( Ajarn Lamyoon Kamnak ) Thailand Legend Leklai

The Best Leklai Master . who invented the leklai respectfully engage .


Lp somporn is disciple of Por Kai ( Ajarn Lamyoon Kamnak )

Lp somporn and Por kai go togather to invite Leklai form deep cave at Surat Thani province of Thailand .


Prof. Kai Lamyoon Kamnak, who is an expert in the mysteries of metal charms of Surat Thani.

His Leklai have great might and are respected and worshipped by people all over Thailand.

Thai and foreign people, such as people from America, Japan, England, Malaysia, Singapore, and China. His Leklai are mighty and blessed, and are known through the world.

Master : Ajarn Lamyoon Kamnak ( Por Kai )

Por Kai with Lp somporn in Leklai ceremony .

Leklai Suriyan Racha pagoda ( por kai )

Lp somporn with Ajarn Lamyoon picture ( his leklai professor )




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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.