Title: 1912: Poems of Time, Place & Memory
Author: Hess, Kary
Publisher: FMRL
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 100
Dimensions: 8.38h x 5.50w x 0.24d
Product Weight: 0.3 lbs.
Language: English
ISBN: 9781737949213

In this unique, insightful collection of poems and pen and ink drawings, author and artist Kary Hess pours open her notebooks and invites readers to travel from Petaluma to Paris to Utah and back again in a knowing and humorous exploration of time and place, memory and meaning. Throughout, a "poetry of reportage" emerges, that serves to remind us that memories aren't remembered so much as rewritten within the context that they are conjured. In 1912, Hess provides not only a way into her singular world but every reason to stay.