Ken dolls by Mattell. Various versions and years. 1988, Malaysia, 1991 blonde Indonesia, 1990 beach guy China, x2, 1988 Malaysia bendy, young ken 1988 China. 1 China brown hair is 1991

This is a collection of 6 Ken dolls by Mattel. 

One of these is a young boy, I'm not sure if he is young Ken, or a friend.

There are various years and styles.

All of the bodies say 1988.

Head year is as follows, from left to right

1988 Malaysia, blue eyes, painted blonde hair.

1991 Indonesia, blonde painted hair

1990 China, real hair beach looking Ken, I think is the "shaving beard" Ken

1991 China, brown painted hair

1988 Malaysia, bendable, painted blonde hair

1991 China, brown hair, "young Ken"

None of the clothes are marked Mattel.

All dolls are in good condition.