Big Finish Vortex Magazine (Doctor Who) # 165 November 2022 (War Doctor)

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Doctor Who: The War Doctor Begins - Jonathon Carley returns as the War Doctor in an epic 3-part adventure, written by Robert Valentine and directed by Louise Jameson. The War Doctor Begins: He Who Fights With Monsters.

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures - Paul McGann returns as the Doctor, with Nicola Walker as Liv Chenka and Hattie Morahan as Helen Sinclair, and featuring Shane Richie as Drax. Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Connections

UNIT: Brave New World - Angela Bruce returns as Brigadier Winifred Bambera, heading up UNIT in the 1990s. Joined by Alex Jordan as Sergeant Jean-Paul Savarin, and Yemisi Oyinloye as Dr Louise Rix, the team face new dangers in the countdown to the millenium. UNIT: Brave New World: Visitants

The War Master - Derek Jacobi is the War Master, encountering mythical creatures and fictional characters, including Dorian Gray (Alexander Vlahos) and Sherlock Holmes (Nicholas Briggs). The War Master: Escape from Reality

Blake's 7: The Worlds of Blake's 7 - Sasha Mitchell returns as Federation Officer Arlen in three stories set earlier in her life, prior to the TV episode Blake. Featuring Jan Chappell as Cally and Sally Knyvette as Jenna, with both Stephen Greif and Brian Croucher as Travis. The Worlds of Blake's 7: Allies and Enemies

plus: The Big Finish Book Club: revisit Torchwood: More Than This.

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