Pixar Animation Studios' heartwarming tale of an elderly aviator and his unexpected companion finds its interactive form in "Up," a thrilling 3D platformer that whisks players away on an exhilarating journey across the lush landscapes of South America. Assume the roles of the resilient widower Carl Fredricksen, the adventurous "Wilderness Explorer" Russell, the loquacious canine Dug, and the majestic prehistoric bird Kevin, as they navigate through caves, peculiar rock formations, rapid rivers, and dense jungles.

Each character boasts unique abilities, yet it's up to players to employ their problem-solving prowess to conquer environmental challenges and fend off assaults from perilous flora and fauna. Cooperative gameplay is at the forefront, allowing two players to unite forces against formidable adversaries such as crocodiles, anacondas, and packs of wild dogs. Additionally, up to four players can band together for thrilling aerial skirmishes against the minions of the nefarious explorer Charles Muntz.

For those craving more excitement, a plethora of bonus content awaits discovery. Embark on quests to locate rare insects, earn coveted merit badges, and recover lost treasures from Carl's homestead to unlock cheats and bonus cinematic treats.