The NOS Original Equipment 9"  228.6mm x 1.75" 45mm Brake Shoes were supplied at a time when Unipart were believed to be supplying Original Equipment Specification parts.

Please Note you are being offered two separate wheel sets one GBS 126 with a Don 242 Lining and the second GBS 161 with a Don 266 lining.  The Don 242 lining is a much lighter colour.  Both these are clearly illustrated in the photographs and under NO circumstances must be FITTED to the same AXLE to avoid any possibility of a BRAKE IMBALANCE.   They can only be fitted individually with an existing compatible lining on the other wheel.

The price reflects the fact that you are being offered two individual wheelsets of Brake Shoes.

A purchase is accepted on the basis that you have read the above carefully and take full responsibility for their fitment.