Druid the Law Giver and Chieftain of the Forsaken Clan. Known for his wisdom not only in life but in battle, he led his clan to many victories on hunts in the outskirts of Yaujta-Prime. With his arsenal of his War-Scythe Halberd and Blade Gauntlet coated in poison, he has slain many beast and prey alike. His armor is made from an ancient beast called The Enti. This beast was fabled to inhabit Yautja-Prime since the beginning.

With it’s old age it possessed wisdom and experience which made hunting The Enti challenging. And so many of Druid’s party were slain. The fight lasted 9 days, and one would think the battle was lost to The Enti, but the willpower, battle intelligence, and ferocity of Druid was enough to slay this beast. Now he wears its hide as his armor showcasing one of the greatest trophies acquired amongst his clan.

By rlmwkr_creations

IG: rlmwkr_creations