Step into the role of a medieval king as you conquer Europe in this tactical strategy game. Control the Crowns. Control Europe. This enhanced game of conquest will excite gamers with hours of battle and strategizing to control Europe! Each player steps into the role of a medieval king and competes with a full army to expand their kingdom and take over Europe. Through shrewd tactical planning – and a little bit of lucky dice rolling – one player will conquer Europe and reign supreme!
MEDIEVAL RISK: Everyone knows and loves the game of Risk. Now, Risk Europe introduces an entirely new play experience with all new armies, weapons, territories, castles, kings, gold and more!
EXPAND, CONQUER, CONTROL: Your goal is to dominate Europe with the most territories AND you'll need to have scored 7 crowns in order to seal your victory!
SPECIAL POWERS: Controlling certain cities brings you special powers! Do you want to establish your Kingdom in Berlin or London or Madrid or maybe another special city? Only you can decide!
SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS TO PLAY: While gameplay is best with 4 players, there are rules to play with 3 or even with 2 players. Mercenary armies make things very interesting. There are even rule variants for Team Play!
SKILLS: Players of all ages will need a solid understanding of advanced strategy, planning, and execution. A good deal of luck is involved too since battles are resolved with dice. Your skills will sharpen over time for sure!
Gameboard, 15 crowns, 4 armies with 35 footmen, 12 archers, 12 cavalry, and 4 siege weapons eac, 8 castles, 12 red dice, 32 Kingsorder cards, (4 decks), 8 city bonus tiles, 21 gold pieces, 40 silver pieces, 4 war banners, first player marker, 4 reminder cards, 8 crown cards, card box, and illustrated instructions