Kruba Krissana


King of Butterfly


KB Kritsana (Kruba Kritsana) is a famous guru monk who is skilled at magic. Because people's life has absolutely changed in good way after they worship powerful amulets by KB Kritsana, his fame is not only in Thailand but also in some Asian countries: China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.


KB Kritsana was born on the 1st August B.E. 2497 (C.E. 1954) in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. He got ordained as a monk on the 27th October B.E. 2522 (C.E. 1979) at Wat Kok U-thong, Prachinburi Province. He got his monk name “Intawanno”. After ordination, KB Kristsana spent 10 years on studying Buddhist holy text and practicing meditation in the forest of northeastern Thailand.


Today, KB Kritsana stays at Asomsatan Suan Phutthasart in Nakhon Ratchasima Province.


Product Description

100 % genuine with Temple box .

Takrut Thep Jamlang ( Love charming butterfly Takrut )


Thep Jamlang King Of Butterfly  Jewel Kruba Krissan

Material : Rainbow Leklai & sacred bronze 

size : 1*4.5 cm

Ready to use : just carry this Takrut talisman with you ( in pocket / wallet ) is OK .

on the night please put on private shelf and worship with fragrant  flower .

you can do worship as your convenience .


Butterfly Amulet is renowned as one of the very popular amulet for young followers. The famous creator by Kurba Krissana Itawanno of Wat Asom Suan Temple are highly collected by devotees, the followings is one of the largest in the world of amulets.

Butterfly amulet are known best for it's  Transformation of life, changes the destiny to better, attraction of good luck and fortune. It gives wearer an opportunity to turn the life around like a transformed Butterfly. 

The amulet of Butterfly ulets also gives the wearer charismatic aura, strike meaninful and attentive conversations,  and be listen to. It provides:

Life transformation

Good fortune

Wealth attraction

Good Relationships


Easy conversations

Converting dales


We have been collecting Kruba Krissana amulets, Butterfly and Salika




Master&Blessed by: LP Kruba Krissana Inthawanno
Temple: Samnaksong Weruwan, Nakornrachsima Province, Thailand



Power fo amulet:

The effects of the King of Butterfly pendants are as follows:
Protect your business or use bring lucky for owner.Danger Obstacles Cease, Charms, Loving Kindness, Increased halo and fame, Working Smooth, Bring Prosper to Business, Wealth, Bring Lucky and Happiness.
Dissolving disharmony and discord between people
Easier to find help from people around
Conquering and eliminating enemies
Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims





We have been collecting Kruba Krissana amulets, Butterfly and Salika for more than 14 years.

If you are looking for special Old Amulets which cannot be made anymore with the same ingredient, only place to contact is our shop

My shop have Kruba Krissana's amulets from past to present. new series amulets all directly from home of Kruba Krissana.

Don't have disciple or kruba's student made and bring to pray.





Kruba Krissana
King of Butterfly

KB Kritsana (Kruba Kritsana) is a famous guru monk who is skilled at magic. Because people's life has absolutely changed in good way after they worship powerful amulets by KB Kritsana, his fame is not only in Thailand but also in some Asian countries: China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

KB Kritsana was born on the 1st August B.E. 2497 (C.E. 1954) in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. He got ordained as a monk on the 27th October B.E. 2522 (C.E. 1979) at Wat Kok U-thong, Prachinburi Province. He got his monk name “Intawanno”. After ordination, KB Kristsana spent 10 years on studying Buddhist holy text and practicing meditation in the forest of northeastern Thailand.

Today, KB Kritsana stays at Asomsatan Suan Phutthasart in Nakhon Ratchasima Province.



Performance Abillity of Amulet: Life protection,Good trade,Good metta ,Wealth, Prevent Dark Magic and Evil Spirits,
Danger Obstacle cease,Charms / Attraction in LOVE& SEX ,Give merciful,without poor, Triumphantly,
Loving Kindness, Harm proof, Avoid from danger,Change Bad Luck to Good Luck, Win Gambling , Wishes be Fulfilled,
Get Healthy Live Better And Be Happy. 


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.