New CD, Polish Stickers   

"Bored with the routine of stationary studio work, Kali & Sir Mich went on a journey in search of inspiration. A mobile recording studio - Landara - is being created in a luxurious caravan.

The result of almost a year of work is a two-CD release titled "Zapiski z Landara", which is the culmination of Kali's twenty-five-year artistic path.

During their musical journey, Kali & Sir Mich focused on total artistic freedom, which was combined into a coherent whole by three guidelines:

The goal - to create twenty-five songs during regular two-day sessions in Landara's mobile studio

The concept - total spontaneity. No permits. Without prior preparation of lyrics and music. The piece was ready in two days, completely from scratch.

Places - specially selected places on the map of Poland that shaped Kali as a man and artist

People – rap personalities and living legends who influenced the development of Kali's style

If you are looking for some other Polish releases please let me know :)